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Coming Soon!

#NoToStatusQuo is a national initiative to increase family, educator, and community input into how money for education is invested on behalf of students with disabilities. 


Through a nationwide network of special education advocates, educators, family, friends, and providers, we aim to ensure that not only Covid $ but also all federal, state, and local funds are used by school districts and states as they were intended by Congress—to not only get students back to square one, but to level the playing field!


Under ARP, school districts have an obligation to gather input from stakeholders. They are required to make informed decisions about how to use the money based on the real world experiences of students with disabilities and their families. These plans should also be informed by data and research. Because there has been limited opportunity in most states for the special education community to be heard, #NoToStatusQuo will encourage ongoing input by those for whom this invested is intended to benefit.


The effort is driven by taxpayers, for taxpayers. It is a volunteer effort aimed at making our voices heard, our needs addressed, and our long overlooked students prioritized.


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#ReImagineSpecialEd   #NotoStatusQuo

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